

Using PHP 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 with Codeanywhere

I am a big fan of online IDEs. For me this enables me to do web development pretty much anywhere, on any device. My particular favourites are Codeanywhere and Codenvy. While both have their pros and cons, I pretty much use Codeanywhere free for my day-to-day development. It gives you a temporary VPS for your code, easily accessible, great no-nonsense IDE and easy to use SSH access. Perfect, I simply fire up the container and get to work.

Smarting up my Car with a Raspberry Pi, Crankshaft & OpenAuto

I drive a 2014 Kia Rio. I have no legitimate complaints about it, as it works brilliantly as a daily driver. Sure, I would love an MX5 mk1 (Miata NA) but at my age (23) it serves a purpose of getting me around with no issue. However, it does come with a rather boring radio setup. Kia did do an upgrade run to their 2014 and newer cars, however I wasn’t eligable as the run was for US cars only.